Case Study

Regional maternity service re-establishment

Vanguard Health works with multiple stakeholders including State Government, regional and remote hospitals to provide a patient focussed and proven team-based model of care that expands on and supports existing gynaecology and obstetrics service delivery.

September 8, 2023
May 19, 2023

In Mackay Hospital and Health Service we have provided a long-term solution to workforce shortages within the Mackay Base Hospital Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department. We are currently providing midwives to not only enhance the current staffing numbers but also provide ongoing support to the service. The expansion of service to Mackay Base Hospital has supported the expansion of service delivery.

The cost of implementing a maternity service re-establishment program is offset by the costs that would have been met via the local health service for mothers and their support people being relocated or requiring travel to access other centres for birthing or complications throughout their pregnancy and through Patient Travel schemes.

Need more staff or assistance with service re-establishment?

Get in touch with us to see how our workforce team can help you with workforce to meet the needs of your service and your community and better delivering healthcare together.

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