Better Healthcare together.

Our Policies

Human Resources

Code of Conduct



The Vanguard Health Code of Conduct builds on our Vanguard Mission and Values including our statement of behaviour.  

Our Code of Conduct provides clear expectations for how our employees conduct themselves according to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and behaviour when dealing with our clients, colleagues and other stakeholders to support our mission and values. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, full compliance with all legal obligations imposed by statute or any other source of law.


This code applies to all staff employed by Vanguard Health (permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time and casual).

This code establishes the standards of behaviour that must be met by all employees and contractors. Where these standards are not met, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. In cases where the breach involves serious misconduct, this may result in summary dismissal. In cases where a breach of the code involves a breach of any law, then the relevant government authorities or the police may be notified.


The purpose of this code is to clearly state Vanguard Health’s expectations from its employees and contractors.

All employees are required to be familiar with and comply with the terms of this code at all times.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including potentially termination of employment.


Vanguard Health adheres to the quality management principles as described in the ISO standard ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System Requirements:

• Customer focus

• Leadership

• Engagement of people

• Process approach

• Improvement

• Evidence-based decision making

• Relationship management.

Adherence to the Vanguard Health Code of Conduct will ensure the achievement of these requirements.

Mission & Values

Vanguard Health Mission Statement: Through strong partnerships we contribute to better healthcare and disability services, to enable better lives for ALL Australians.

Vanguard Health Values:

1. Be Accountable

2. Be Bold

3. Be Compassionate

4. Be Honest



Endorse Code of Conduct

COO & Managers

Ensure staff adhere to the Code of Conduct, Mission and Values and that they are linked to Professional Development Plans and employment contracts.

Employees and contractors

Understand their responsibilities and behave according to the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct and in line with our Mission and Values.

Standards of Conduct

The standards expected of employees include:

• Compliance with all laws, Vanguard Health and workplace policies, procedures, rules, regulations and contracts;

• To be honest and fair in dealings with customers, clients, co-workers, Vanguard Healthmanagement and the general public, and to treat them with courtesy and respect;

• To be faithful and diligent, and actively pursue Vanguard Health’s best interests at all times including devoting your normal working hours to perform your duties;

• Refraining from any discriminatory, bullying or harassing behaviour toward customers, clients, co-workers, Vanguard Health management and the general public;

• To not make any statements to the media, on social media or any public platform, about Vanguard Health’s business, unless expressly authorised to do so by the Vanguard Health (employees should refer to the Social Media Policy) including making any comments that may damage our reputation.

• To not, in connection with the employee’s employment, accept any financial or other benefit from any entity other than Vanguard Health – unless acceptance of such benefit is in accordance with Vanguard Health’s other workplace policies or is otherwise disclosed to Vanguard Health and expressly permitted by the Vanguard Health;

• Immediately disclosing any potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest (whether direct or indirect) that may give rise to a conflict with the performance of the employee’s obligations to Vanguard Health, or Vanguard Health’s business, confidential information or reputational interests.  Vanguard Health may direct employees to take action to eliminate or reduce any such conflict, and employees must comply with such directions;

• To not engage in conduct, whether during or after work hours, that in the opinion of Vanguard Health causes damage or potential damage to Vanguard Health’s property or reputation;

• To not use, or come to work while affected by use of prohibited drugs or alcohol;

• To not discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics including (but not limited to) sex, race, disability, pregnancy, age, marital status or sexual orientation;

• Respect Vanguard’s property and the property of public or any Health Service whilst representing Vanguard Health.

• Ensure and maintain punctuality and dress in an appropriate manner and in accordance with our dress code;

• To not use Vanguard Health internet or email to send, access and/or download sexually explicit material or other offensive material;

• To maintain both during employment and after termination of employment with the Vanguard Health, the confidentiality of any confidential information, records or other materials acquired during the course of employment;

• At all times, behave in a way that upholds Vanguard Health’s core values and the integrity and good reputation of Vanguard Health.

• We require employees to follow their assigned work schedules based on their work status as determined by a contract of employment or based on decisions made by supervising staff members. Employees should arrive at work at the correct time and maintain a consistent work schedule. Employees must communicate when they will not be at work due to illness or emergency situations.

• As per the Internal IT and Communications Policy, all working documents are created on our external Microsoft cloud server and autosaved. At the end of each day the team is to ensure that any documents received from external sources are uploaded to our cloud storage systems.

• Reporting any conduct of other workplace participants which is in breach of any of the above, or potentially in breach of any of the above, without delay.

Related Reference

Equal Opportunity Policy



To improve business success by:

  • attracting and retaining the best possible employees
  • providing a safe, respectful and flexible work environment
  • delivering our services in a safe, respectful and reasonably flexible way.


This policy applies to all staff:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary;
  • contract or commission workers;
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to staff in all their work-related interactions with each other, and with customers, contacts or clients. It applies to staff while in the workplace or off site, at work-related functions, while on trips and attending conferences.


Vanguard Health is committed to creating a work environment which is free from discrimination and sexual harassment and where all members of staff are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect. The company has a “zero tolerance” policy for any behaviour that constitutes discrimination, sexual harassment or bullying.  

Vanguard Health complies with Federal and State legislation introduced to protect people from discrimination and harassment including but not limited to the Fair Work Act 2009, Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (QLD) and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

We will provide equal opportunity in employment to people without discrimination based on a personal characteristic protected under state and federal equal opportunity legislation. This includes but is not limited to age, gender, race, impairment, marital status, parental status or religious belief.

Vanguard Health is registered with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.    We provide a gender equality report that not only supports our organisation to meet our compliance obligations but also contributes to the Agency’s world leading data-set on gender equality in Australian workplaces.  Vanguard Health recognises that having gender equality in the workplace is associated with productivity and economic growth.  We are committed to removing barriers to the full and equal participation of women in the workplace and do not discriminate on the basis of gender in relation to employment matters.    


We expect that all staff contribute to the creation of a discrimination free and inclusive workplace and a healthy workplace culture. All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy; report incidents to their managers and not to participate in discriminatory or harassing behaviour.

We expect our managers to model appropriate behaviour; promote this policy; treat all complaints seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.

Staff are to be aware of unintended gender biases in hiring, promotion, performance and pay decisions.  It is recognised that any unfairness or perceived unfairness can negatively impact workplace productivity, employee engagement and morale, access to talent and retention.    

The Vanguard Health Leadership team encourages the team to consider ‘what we say; how we act; what we prioritise; and how we measure; together, determines what gets done’.     Our leadership team is committed to addressing any pay equity issues; role model the removal of biases during performance management process and renumeration reviews; and actively communicate internally and externally the importance of ensuring equal renumeration between women and men.


Any staff who make a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment will not suffer any victimisation by our company for making the complaint. This also applies to staff who agree to be a witness in a complaint or have a complaint made against them.  

Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Vicarious liability:

Under the Act the person who discriminates against, victimises, sexually harasses, vilifies or asks for unnecessary information can be liable for the illegal behaviour as well as their employer, unless the company can show that they have taken reasonable steps to prevent it.

Vanguard Health has adopted this policy to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and are not subject to any of the discriminatory behaviours or harassment mentioned in this policy and fact sheet. We expect that people who make complaints, or who are witnesses, are not victimised in any way.

What should you do?

Don't ignore discrimination, sexual harassment, vilification or requests for unnecessary information, thinking it will go away - often it just gets worse. Choose the action you feel most comfortable with. You can follow more than one action at the same time.

Self Help

If you feel confident and want to deal with the situation yourself, you can use self-help techniques. This option involves approaching the person responsible for the discriminatory or sexually harassing behaviour, yourself. You should tell the person what you are unhappy about, why you are unhappy about it, and what you would like to happen. Taking a person with you for support may be helpful. It is not necessary that you try to resolve the complaint this way, there are organisational supports and procedures in place to assist with managing such complaints.

Make an internal complaint  

Vanguard Health is obligated to ensure that all internal complaints are handled confidentially and impartially, investigated promptly and recommendations implemented.

  • Talk to a manager or senior staff member and explain your concerns, what has happened and how you have been affected.  
  • The manager may speak to the person you are making a complaint about, to see if the situation can be resolved simply.
  • If the matters are complex, the manager may handle your complaint or engage an independent external agency. This option will involve an investigation, collecting evidence and witness statements, and making findings and recommendations which will be implemented by our company.
Make an external complaint

Make an external complaint You can complain to the Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland (ADCQ). They will send you a complaint form and explain the process to resolve your complaint. The ADCQ complaint resolution service is free. The Commission's website has more information including the complaint form.  

A complaint to the Anti-Discrimination Commission must be made within one year of the incident, unless good reasons for any delay can be shown.

Call the Australian Human Rights Commission in Sydney on 1300 656 419 to make a complaint under federal anti-discrimination legislation.  

Related References:

  • Fair Work Act 2009
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  • Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (QLD)
  • Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth)

Related Policies:

  • Workplace Health and Safety Policy  
  • Recruitment and Engagement Policy

Related Procedures:

  • Making a Complaint – Workplace Behaviours  

Related Reference

Family and Domestic Violence Policy



To provide information on the support and options available for Vanguard Health employees who are affected by domestic and family violence.


Definition - Domestic and family violence occurs when one person in a relationship uses violence and abuse to maintain power and control over the other person.  

This can include behaviour that is physically, sexually, emotionally, psychologically or economically abusive, threatening, coercive or aimed at controlling or dominating the other person through fear. Domestic and family violence can affect people of all cultures, religions, ages, genders, sexual orientations, educational backgrounds and income levels.

Application - This policy applies to all staff full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary.


Vanguard Health is strongly committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all employees. It is recognised that employees sometimes face difficult situations in their work and personal life, such as domestic and family violence, that may affect their attendance, performance at work or safety.

Vanguard Health leaders, managers, supervisors and all employees are committed to making Vanguard Health a great place to work. The workplace can make a significant difference to employees affected by domestic and family violence by providing appropriate safety and support measures.  

Domestic and family violence is unacceptable in any setting including the workplace.

Vanguard Health complies with  

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012


  • Any Vanguard Health employee who perpetrates violence and abuse from the workplace, including by telephone, fax, mail, email, internet or social media may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • All employees have a responsibility to model behaving in a way that promotes a work environment free from any form of violence and supporting those who are affected by domestic and family violence.
  • Fostering a workplace culture where employees affected by domestic and family violence are supported in the workplace, contributes to a healthy and safe working environment for all.
  • We expect our managers to model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.


Confidentiality and disclosure

  • Employees have the right to choose whether, when and to whom they disclose information about being affected by domestic and family violence. However, this policy statement does not override any legal obligations to disclose information. Information disclosed by an employee in relation to domestic and family violence will be kept confidential, except to the extent that disclosure is required or permitted by law.

Policy and awareness raising

  • Vanguard Health supervisors and managers are to take reasonable steps to make available and promote to employees the material relating to improving their knowledge and awareness of domestic and family violence.  

Support options available to employees

  • There are a number of support options available to assist employees affected by domestic and family violence. These are listed below and are subject to regular review by the CEO.  

  1. Documentation
  • We understand that employees affected by domestic and family violence may not be in a position to provide supporting documentation. An employee’s access to leave and other support options should not be denied in the absence of supporting documentation.
  • We acknowledge that any related communications must be conducted in a sensitive and non-judgmental manner. Any documentation sighted must be returned to the employee unless the employee requests otherwise.  

  1. Leave Entitlement
  • an employee who is affected by domestic and family violence will have access to a minimum of 10 days per year of paid leave.  
  • Reasons for leave may include but are not limited to attending medical, legal, police or counselling appointments; attending court and other legal proceedings; and organising alternative accommodation, care or education arrangements for the purposes of attending to matters arising from domestic and family violence or supporting the person affected by domestic and family violence.
  • Leave should be granted where the chief executive is satisfied that the employee requires leave because the employee is affected by domestic and family violence. However, leave should not be denied in the absence of supporting documents.
  • The employee does not have to use other leave entitlements before accessing this leave. This leave can be taken as consecutive days, single days or a fraction of a day.
  • The employee may also access further paid or unpaid leave including sick leave, carers leave, recreation leave, long service leave or other accrued time to attend to matters arising from domestic and family violence.

  1. Work performance and attendance
  • Work performance or attendance may be influenced by factors not connected with work. Employees will be supported and encouraged to raise concerns about their personal circumstances, including whether domestic and family violence is a contributing factor to work performance and attendance.
  • It may also be necessary to include additional support and provide reasonable workplace and role adjustments for a period of time. Regular reviews, a return to work (RTW) plan and a performance improvement process may still be required.

  1. Flexible working arrangements
  • Vanguard Health will provide employees affected by domestic and family violence access to flexible working arrangements.  
  • Employees are encouraged to discuss their request for flexible working arrangements with their managers, in the first instance.

  1. Counselling support services
  • Vanguard Health offers an employee assistance provider (EAP) to all employees and their immediate family members.  
  • The EAP offers free and confidential support services through face-to-face, telephone and online counselling.
  • The EAP also provides specific advice to managers to support employees affected by domestic and family violence.

  1. Other workplace support and role adjustments

Vanguard Health may also consider:

  • workplace safety needs and arrangements to protect the employee and colleagues following a risk assessment, including increased security measures,
  • supporting employees to have the workplace included in a Domestic Violence Order issued by the courts, where appropriate; and
  • providing other support and reasonable adjustments in the workplace, such as:
  • job redesign or changes to duties
  • changes to working hours or patterns of work
  • alternative suitable employment in other teams, offices and locations
  • changes to email address and telephone numbers
  • secure parking.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related References:

  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011
  • Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012

Related Policies:

  • Leave Policy  

Related Procedures:


Related Reference

Parental Leave Policy



The purpose of this policy is to outline the entitlements, expectations, and general requirements for employees who are eligible to take parental leave in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). Vanguard Health aims to support its employees in their transition to parenthood and ensure compliance with legal obligations.


This policy applies to all employees of Vanguard Health who have completed at least 12 months of continuous service, including long-term casual employees who are employed on a regular and systematic basis.


Vanguard Health recognises the importance of parental leave in facilitating the well-being and bonding of employees with their newborn or adopted child. We acknowledge and adhere to the entitlements provided under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) to ensure employees' rights and obligations are protected.  


Eligible employees must provide written notice at least 10 weeks before the intended start date of parental leave, then confirmed 4 weeks before starting leave, along with the necessary supporting documentation. Refer Applying for parental leave - Fair Work Ombudsman  

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers.  

We expect our managers to model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.

General Requirements:

  • Employees are entitled to a period of up to 12 months or 24 months if Vanguard Health agrees to extend the employee’s initial period of unpaid leave, which includes both birth-related leave and partner leave aligning with relevant state and federal legislation.  
  • During parental leave, employees' employment continuity will be maintained, and they will not accrue leave entitlements.
  • Vanguard Health guarantees that employees who take parental leave will be able to return to their previous position or an equivalent position with the same pay, status, and benefit.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related References

  • Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

Related VH Policies

  • Leave Policy
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Related VH Procedures:


Related Reference


Clinical Governance Policy


Purpose -

To define the relationships and responsibilities we establish between our executive, management, staff, clinicians, patients and/carers and clients to ensure good clinical outcomes for patients accessing our services.

Scope -

This policy ensures that the general public and clients can be confident that we have systems in place to deliver safe and high-quality health care, monitor outcomes and continuously improve services.

This policy applies to all our programs and staff including:  

  • Executive, management, staff  
  • Clinical and non-clinical staff  
  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary
  • contract or commission workers
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

Position -

Vanguard Health is committed to establishing and maintaining the highest standard of service delivery for clients and communities to ensure safe, quality and efficient care.  

The organisation acknowledges the five key tenets of effective clinical governance described in the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. National Model Clinical Governance Framework. Sydney: ACSQHC; 2017.  

  • Governance, leadership and culture  
  • Patient safety and quality improvement systems  
  • Clinical performance and effectiveness  
  • Safe environment for the delivery of care  
  • Partnering with consumers

Expectations -

We expect our executive and management team (MT), clinical and program delivery staff to understand and take ownership of their roles in ensuring good clinical outcomes for patients accessing our services.  

Our mission is to improve the lives and health of ordinary Australians – wherever they live. We want to change lives.  

To achieve this, our MT are responsible for ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of our clinical governance system including:

  • strong leadership and management of clinical services  
  • clear roles and responsibilities for delivery of safe care  
  • standard processes to ensure that co-designed models of care are developed, followed and improved.
  • good use of data and information to monitor performance and risk.
  • robust processes to identify and manage risks and issues.

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers.  

We expect our managers to model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.

Roles and Responsibilities -

  • sets strategic direction for the business to ensure commercial success while maintaining strong clinical outcomes  
  • approve standard systems, processes and procedures
  • Lead by example to establish a safety culture across the business
  • monitor organisational performance and accountability  
Management Team (MT):
  • provide strong leadership and management of service delivery
  • document clear roles and responsibilities for delivery of safe care  
  • develop and monitor use of standard processes to ensure that co-designed models of care are developed, followed and improved
  • good use of data and information to monitor performance and risk
  • implement robust processes to identify and manage risks and issues
  • use standard systems and follow standard policies and procedures
  • maintain skills and qualifications required to deliver role to the required standard
Chief Medical Advisor:
  • deliver services within agreed scope of role with a commitment to excellence
Manager, Workforce Solutions:
  • Oversight of medical governance and addressing issues if medical in nature  
  • provides advice for remedial action for delivery by the management team
  • regular clinical audits to be prepared
  • Reviewing clinical-related policies
  • Oversight of nursing governance and addressing issues if medical in nature  

Requirements -

Governance, Leadership and Culture:
  • Our MT will use an integrated governance system to ensure good operational and clinical outcomes for patients.
  • Our MT and Clinical Leads will lead by example to set a high standard and culture of safe and quality care.
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Systems:
  • We have a standard risk framework to identify, avoid, treat mitigate and escalate risks and issues.  
  • We have a Risk Register to report and manage near misses and incidents if they occur.  
  • Our services are delivered according to best practice and available clinical standards and guidelines.
  • Our standard systems and processes ensure safe and quality care for patients and we commit to continuous improvement through our ISO 9001:2015 QMS.  
Clinical Performance and Effectiveness:
  • Our people have the right qualifications, skills and supervision to provide safe, high-quality health care to patients.
  • We monitor our people’s performance through individual review and audit processes.  
  • We have a standard approach to collect, analysing, reporting and acting on performance data and information to continuously improve services
Safe Environment for the Delivery of Care:
  • The environment where we deliver care promotes safe and high-quality health care for patients and meets industry standards. Risks and issues are escalated through appropriate channels in the public sector healthcare environment.
Partnering with Consumers:
  • We ensure that our stakeholders know their rights and have a voice in the way our services are planned, deployed and checked.
  • We have a Feedback Policy to capture feedback from patients/carers or clients when we need
  • We continually engage with stakeholders to ensure we are meeting the needs of the client and assisting them to continue to improve their health delivery and outcomes.

Opportunity Areas -

We acknowledge key opportunity areas relating to the delivery of safe and quality health services.  

  • Document and Records Management  
  • Information Technology  
  • Clinical Credentials and Competence  
  • Patient and Consumer Rights  
Document and Records Management:
  • Documents are managed, stored and disposed of according to our Document Control Policy Procedure and Management of Patient Information Procedure
Information Technology:
  • Our IT systems meet industry standards and are protected with robust cyber security systems including access to 24/7 IT support.
Clinical Credentials and Competence:
  • We have processes to screen, credential check and monitor/audit the performance of our clinical team/s.  
  • We require and will support our people to commit to maintenance and develop of skills and competence through continuing professional development and training.  
  • We utilise recruitment and onboarding software to record, monitor and update our clinician’s credentials.  
Patient and Consumer Rights:
  • We have a Privacy Policy available to inform patients and consumers of our use of their information.  
  • We have standard consent procedures to ensure that patients and/or carers understand their rights and consent to care/media.  

Consequences -

Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related Policies -

  • Quality Policy  
  • Privacy Policy  
  • Workplace Health and Safety Policy  
  • Recruitment Policy  
  • Complaints Policy
  • Performance Management

Related Procedures -

  • Management of Patient Information
  • Risk Management Framework  
  • Management of Patient Complaints  
  • Hazard and Incident Management  
  • Recruitment and Onboarding
  • Document Control Procedure

Related References -

Related Reference

Finance Management Policy



Vanguard Health must maintain a financial system that meets statutory responsibilities. This policy outlines a set of general financial management principles.


This policy covers the role of finance for Vanguard Health.    

Scope includes:

  • Budgeting
  • Resource allocation
  • Revenue and expenditure management
  • Transactional procedures
  • Payroll procedures
  • Internal controls and delegations


Vanguard Health’s good financial management is not the responsibility of the finance section alone.  It is the responsibility of all Vanguard employees to follow systems and processes that are set up to ensure appropriate financial management.

Vanguard Health has delegated officers for finances to ensure that all functions and duties of finance are managed efficiently, effectively, economically and in accordance with this management policy.

This policy and subsequent procedures aim to enhance the financial management accountability across Vanguard Health to ensure resources allocated are managed soundly.


All employees are to follow this process regarding the management of finance. The finance section of Vanguard is responsible for:

  • Data integrity including reconciliation of accounts
  • Financial information  
  • Appropriate reporting functions
  • Invoicing  
  • Payroll
  • Accounts payable and receivable
  • Banking
  • Expenditure
  • Statutory reporting (where relevant)  

Income Management:

Each operational unit in Vanguard is charged with the responsibility of identifying the customers or clients to be billed for particular services, goods or works provided to them.

Revenue must be promptly recognised and recorded in the accounts. The point at which revenue should be recognised is when Vanguard have a legal entitlement to receipt and occurs according to each contracted project. This will have followed by a claim for payment through an invoice.  Invoices are to be raised as soon as possible after the completion of service or in accordance with the relevant contract.    

All revenue earned is to be banked in to an account named by Vanguard Health against the preidentified project management code.

Revenue Management:

The objectives of revenue management are to ensure that:

  • all chargeable revenue is correctly identified, charged, collected, waived or written-off where necessary, subject to proper authority, and recorded on a timely basis, and is correctly classified
  • all revenue charged or billed is collectible
  • all charges on credit are promptly followed up and overdue debts recovered, unpaid invoices that are more than 3 days overdue are followed up by the Finance Manager
  • all invoices raised are properly processed and charged  
  • all potential sources of revenue have been identified.

Program managers must identify and document sources of chargeable revenue and establish systems to ensure that chargeable revenue is billed on a timely basis.

Reconciliation of receipts should be completed to ensure that only receipts meeting the requirements of Vanguard and the project are processed.

Credit card charges are to be reconciled against projects by the end of each month.  

Travel expenses: accommodation and flight charges:

All fees and charges must be charged at rates that are consistent with the guidelines of the contract under which the project is delivered.

Labour expenses:

Where an employee of Vanguard is contracted out under a project, income recovery will be sourced from the project expenses.

Expenditure delegations:

Refer to the Human Resources, Financial and Procurement Delegations Policy.  


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

taff are not eligible to claim for expenses that are payable as part of their accommodation or travel.  Failure to provide details resulting in an overpayment to the employee that is not disclosed will result in disciplinary action.

Related References:


Related Policies:

  • Quality Management Policy  
  • Human Resources, Financial and Procurement Delegations Policy


Delegate  -

A person occupying a position to which a delegation, authority, function or power has been delegated.

Delegation  -

A process where a person holding an authority, function or power authorises another to exercise the authority, function or power.

Financial management:

Financial management is defined as the:  

• planning  

• directing  

• monitoring  

• organising and  

• controlling of the monetary resources of an organisation.

Related Reference

Safety & Quality

Environmental Policy



Vanguard Health is a business with a social objective.   At Vanguard Health we are committed to being environmentally friendly and as such we are committed to providing innovative health services, workforce solutions and programs delivered when and where they are needed in the most environmentally sustainable manner possible.  

Vanguard Health is committed to promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship in all aspects of its operations. We recognise the importance of protecting and preserving the environment for future generations, and we strive to minimise our environmental impact while enhancing our business performance.  

Vanguard Health also aims to support employees to ensure they have the required skills and knowledge to manage environmental health risks and protect public health.

Our Environmental Policy outlines our commitment to promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship and the general requirements for all staff to contribute to including:

  • Sustainable work practices including resource conservation and responsible procurement;
  • Engage in collaboration and engagement to promote environmental sustainability;
  • Reporting and continuous improvement including providing open communication and feedback on environmental matters.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognise their rich history and continuing connection to community, land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and elders past, present and emerging.  

This policy outlines our commitment to environmental sustainability and the relevant state and federal legislations.


Vanguard Health is committed to supporting environmental sustainability and understand the importance of responsible decision-making factoring in environmental impact when delivering our core business.  

This policy applies to all staff:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary;
  • contract or commission workers;
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to staff in all their work-related interactions with each other, and with customers, contacts or clients. It applies to staff while in the workplace or off site, at work-related functions, while on trips and attending conferences.


Vanguard Health is dedicated to complying with all applicable state and federal environmental laws, regulations, and standards. We will continuously monitor and review our operations to ensure compliance and implement necessary measures to meet or exceed these requirements.

Vanguard Health recognises and understands the Environment Protection Act 1994 (Qld) and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011.

Vanguard Health complies with all relevant federal, state and local environmental laws and regulatory requirements, agreed standards and all other programs that Vanguard Health subscribes to be aimed at improving environmental performance and improving the sustainability of our activities. Furthermore, we will identify and manage risk to prevent all pollution from any source that is directly or indirectly produced or results from any of our services.

Vanguard Health is also committed to reducing our environmental footprint and cutting costs associated with our energy consumption and our waste production.      

Our employees ensure that environmental sustainability occurs without compromising the quality of care for the patients we provide services to.  We are committed to providing health in a patient’s local community, where appropriate, thereby reducing the sectors environmental footprint.

We are an ISO 9001:1995 Quality Management Systems Standards Accredited Business.


We expect all staff members to embrace and actively contribute to our sustainability efforts. All employees are expected to familiarise themselves with our environmental policy and adhere to its principles and guidelines. This includes complying with relevant state and federal environmental legislation, as well as any internal policies and procedures related to environmental sustainability.

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers.  

We expect our managers to model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.

General Requirements:

  1. Sustainable Work Practices: Employees are expected to integrate sustainable work practices into their daily routines and operations. This includes:

a) Resource Conservation: Conserving energy, water, and other resources by turning off lights and equipment when not in use, minimising paper usage, and adopting recycling and waste reduction practices.

b) Responsible Procurement: Considering environmental factors when making procurement decisions, such as choosing suppliers with strong sustainability practices, opting for eco-friendly products and services, and minimising packaging waste.

  1. Collaboration and Engagement:  

Employees are encouraged to actively participate in initiatives and programs that promote environmental sustainability. This includes:

a) Teamwork and Communication: Collaborating with colleagues to identify opportunities for improvement, share knowledge and ideas, and implement sustainable practices within their respective roles.

b) Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with stakeholders, including local communities, regulatory agencies, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to understand their perspectives, gather feedback, and contribute to sustainable solutions.

c) Community Involvement: Volunteering or participating in community-based environmental activities or projects that align with Vanguard Health's sustainability goals and values.

  1. Reporting and Continuous Improvement:  

We value open communication and employee feedback on environmental matters. Employees are encouraged to report any environmental concerns, incidents, or potential improvement opportunities to their managers. This feedback will help drive continuous improvement efforts throughout the organisation.

  1. Environmental Health for our team:

As part of our commitment to both environmental and physical well being our corporate office staff are provided free seasonal influenza vaccine and the opportunity to take time out of their work day to receive any additional vaccines including COVID 19.  Staff deployed to health services are required to comply with the vaccination requirements specified and provide evidence prior to any deployment.

  1. Staff Travel

Staff are to follow the Vanguard Health travel policy regarding all booking of travel and accommodation.

  1. Social and Economic Sustainability

Our team are committed to recycling waste including printer cartridges, paper wastage, and utilising recycling within the office and or within the services where our staff are deployed.  We use local suppliers and energy efficient equipment.  

The properties we lease must also have a demonstrated commitment to social and economic sustainability.  The buildings where Vanguard Health are located must have a recycling program, commitment to lowering emission levels and lengthening the plan and equipment lifecycle.  We also confirm that they are committed to re-using assets and constantly reviewing how to improve their properties.

Donations of consumables and equipment no longer able to used by Vanguard Health are donated to our partner not-for-profit organisations to ensure both reduction in carbon emissions through both the prevention of unnecessary landfill and recycling of products.  Consumables and equipment are donated to either Save our Supplies and Cambodia Vision for their use.    

Disposal of goods that are no longer usable and able to be recycled are sent to a specialist recycler.  An example of this is batteries that we have used for back up of vaccination fridges where we have worked with a specialist battery recycler to refurbish.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related References

Related VH Policies

  • Workplace Health and Safety Policy
  • Travel and Entitlements Policy  

Related VH Procedures:

  • Travel Booking Procedure

Related Reference

Feedback Management Policy



To improve business success by adopting a standard approach to the timely and effective management of patient/client feedback with a focus on continuous improvement.  


This policy covers complaints relating to health services coordinated by Vanguard Health or provided by health service providers contracted to, or employed by, Vanguard Health. This policy applies to all staff:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary;
  • contract or commission workers;
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.


Vanguard Health is committed to respecting the views of consumers and carers and other persons accessing services provided by Vanguard Health or by Vanguard Health staff employed at a health service. We understand that anyone can provide feedback about any health service delivered by in Australia.

Vanguard Health also acknowledges the role and requirements of the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights and bodies such as the Office of the Health Ombudsman or equivalent in Australian States and Territories.  


We expect that all feedback is:

  • acknowledged and responded to promptly and sensitively;
  • are assessed considering the risk factors, known facts, the wishes of the complainant and the accountability of health service staff;
  • are dealt with in a manner that is effective, complete, fair to all parties and provided just outcomes;
  • recorded to enable review of individual cases, to identify trends and risks and for reporting on aggregated complaint information;
  • managed to ensure that confidentiality and privacy are maintained.  

All staff have a responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers. We expect our managers to promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.


We require that all employees, contractor and/or agents of Vanguard Health:

  • acknowledge that consumers of our services have the right to make a complaint about any service provided by any health service provider, anywhere in Australia;
  • are aware of the requirements of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights;
  • complaints specific to the staff or contractors that Vanguard provide are registered within the Vanguard Health feedback register.  
  • listed items in the register are regularly reviewed in order to determine if issues need to escalated as defined quality activities and/or added to the risk register;
  • fully cooperate with any internal patient complaint resolution process and/or any matter referred to the Office of the Health Ombudsman.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.  

Related References:

Related Policies:

  • Quality Management Policy

Related Procedures:


Related Reference

Privacy Policy


We value your privacy

Vanguard Health respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our people, the people who uses our services and website visitors. We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This policy sets out how we collect and treat your personal information, which is information we hold which is identifiable as being about you.

Collection and Storage of Personal Information

Vanguard Health will, from time to time, receive and store personal information you enter via our website, advertising portal, associated patient care provider, or other means, provided to us directly or given to us in other forms. You may provide basic information such as your name, phone number, address and email address to enable us to send information, provide updates and process your product or service order.

We may collect additional information at other times, including but not limited to, when you provide feedback, when you provide information about your personal or business affairs, change your content or email preference, respond to surveys and/or promotions, provide financial or credit card information, or communicate with our customer support. Additionally, we may also collect any other information you provide while interacting with us.

Collection of Health Information

We may collect and store your health-related information, including medical history, test results, treatment plans, and other health-related data necessary to provide you with healthcare services.

How we collect your personal information

Vanguard Health collects personal information from you in a variety of ways, including when you interact with us electronically or in person, when you access our website and when we provide our services to you.  

We may receive personal information from third parties. If we do, we will protect it as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Use of your personal information

Vanguard Health may use personal information collected from you to deliver services and provide you with information and updates about new and additional products, services and opportunities available to you. We may use your personal information to improve our products and services and better understand your needs.

Vanguard Health may contact you by a variety of measures including, but not limited to telephone, email, SMS or mail.

Disclosure of your personal information

We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy. Personal information is only supplied to a third party when it is required for the delivery of our services.

We may from time to time need to disclose personal information to comply with a legal requirement, such as a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, warrant, in the course of a legal proceeding or in response to a law enforcement agency request.

We may also use your personal information to protect the copyright, trademarks, legal rights, property or safety of Vanguard Health,, its customers or third parties.

Information that we collect may from time to time be stored, processed in or transferred between parties located in countries outside of Australia.

If there is a change of control in our business or a sale or transfer of business assets, we reserve the right to transfer to the extent permissible at law our user databases, together with any personal information and non-personal information contained in those databases. This information may be disclosed to a potential purchaser under an agreement to maintain confidentiality. We would seek to only disclose information in good faith and where required by any of the above circumstances.

By providing us with personal information, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the types of disclosure covered by this Policy. Where we disclose your personal information to third parties, we will request that the third party follow this Policy regarding handling your personal information.

Security of your personal information

Vanguard Health is committed to ensuring that the information you provide to us is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure information and protect it from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

The transmission and exchange of information is carried out at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us or receive from us. Although we take measures to safeguard against unauthorised disclosures of information, we cannot assure you that personal information that we collect will not be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.

Access to your personal information

You may request details of personal information that we hold about you in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). If you would like a copy of the information, which we hold about you or believe that any information we hold on you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, please email us at

We reserve the right to refuse to provide you with information that we hold about you, in certain circumstances set out in the Privacy Act.

Complaints about privacy

If you have any complaints about our privacy practices, please feel free to send in details of your complaints to PO Box 1300, Spring Hill, Queensland, 4004. We take complaints very seriously and will respond shortly after receiving written notice of your complaint.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Please be aware that we may change this Privacy Policy in the future. We may modify this Policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications on our website or notice board. Please check back from time to time to review our Privacy Policy.


When you visit our website

When you come to our websites (; we may collect certain information such as browser type, operating system, website visited immediately before coming to our site, etc. This information is used in an aggregated manner to analyse how people use our site, such that we can improve our service.


We may, from time to time, use cookies on our website. Cookies are very small files which a website uses to identify you when you come back to the site and to store details about your use of the site. Cookies are not malicious programs that access or damage your computer. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but you can choose to reject cookies by changing your browser settings. However, this may prevent you from taking full advantage of our website. Our website may from time to time use cookies to analyses website traffic and help us provide a better website visitor experience. In addition, cookies may be used to serve relevant ads to website visitors through third party services such as Google Adwords. These ads may appear on this website or other websites you visit.

Third party sites

Our site may from time to time have links to other websites not owned or controlled by us. These links are meant for your convenience only. Links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship or endorsement or approval of these websites. Please be aware that Vanguard Health is not responsible for the privacy practices of other such websites. We encourage our users to be aware, when they leave our website, to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personal identifiable information.

Related Reference

Quality Management Policy



Vanguard Health provides the following essential services:   

  1. Recruitment and placement of a nursing and midwifery workforce in hospitals throughout Australia.  
  1. Delivery of specialist medical services providing consultations and surgery in remote and regional Australia. This includes the development of full-service programs for the delivery of health services.
  1. Provision of NDIS services.

This policy applies to all staff employed by Vanguard Health (permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time and casual).


Our mission statements demonstrate our commitment:

Through strong partnerships we contribute to better healthcare and disability services, to enable better lives for ALL Australians.  

We are here for the long-term and will continue to grow by challenging the status-quo, working together to develop innovative solutions.

We aim to exceed our clients’ expectations in the delivery of innovative health solutions to the public, private and non-government health sector.  

Vanguard Health has three strategic business objectives:  

  1. Innovate health services  
  1. Develop real solutions for clients  
  1. Exceed expected results for clients  

To achieve these objectives and satisfy the expectations of our clients, Vanguard Health is committed to maintaining and continually improving a Quality Management System compliant with ISO 9001:2015.  

We are committed to delivering our health services and programs, our health consulting services, our workforce solutions, our administration of membership organization/s and delivery of our corporate office services according to our mission and values.  


Accountable, Bold, Compassionate and Decent (ABCD)

BE Accountable

Our actions and decisions are delivered with integrity, efficiency and are financially sustainable.

BE Brave (BE Bold)

We challenge the Status Quo, Innovate, Transform, Be Better, Strive for Growth, Embrace change.

BE Compassionate

We go above and beyond to listen, to understand individual needs, to make a difference.  We recognise and embrace each other’s strengths.

BE Decent (BE Honest)

Transparency guides our every action, being upfront, honest and trustworthy.


Vanguard Health adheres to the quality management principles described in the ISO standard ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management System Requirements:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Engagement of people
  • Process approach
  • Improvement
  • Evidence-based decision making
  • Relationship management.  


We empower and expect our team to:  

  • UNDERSTAND - why we have a quality management system (QMS), how it works and their role in maintaining it.
  • CHECK – be aware of our policies and procedures and regularly check if they need to be updated or improved.  
  • ACT – identify and act on approved improvement opportunities and,
  • ENGAGE - lead, implement and comply with quality improvement initiatives

Objectives :

Our objectives align with our Vanguard Health Operational Plan which outlines key initiatives in the following four areas:

  1. Stakeholders – how we appear to our stakeholders
  1. Innovation & Systems/processes – what we improve at to better serve our participants
  1. People – maintaining exceptional workplace and making Vanguard Health a great place to work.
  1. Financial – to sustain our work financially what should our focus be?

Related Reference

Return to Work Policy



The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the return to work of employees following an injury or sickness incurred whilst working with Vanguard Health.  


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and volunteers of Vanguard Health.

Return to work plan means a written statement of the steps that will be taken to help the injured employee return to work. It outlines details about suitable duties, restrictions, hours and days of return to work and monitoring arrangements. 


Vanguard Health is committed to  

  • ensuring the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees;
  • facilitating the prompt, safe and durable return to work of injured or ill employees, regardless of whether the injury or illness sustained is non-compensable or non-work-related; 
  • the prevention of accidents, injuries and diseases by providing a safe and healthy working environment (however if any work-related injury or illness occurs, the Company will assist injured staff to return to satisfying, productive employment); and 
  • ensuring that no employee is disadvantaged or prejudiced by their participation in a return to work plan. 

Early notification of significant injuries 

Employees are to notify their supervisor or manager, as soon as possible, of an injury. The supervisor or manager will notify the insurer of significant injuries, that is, an injury which requires more than seven (7) days off work. 

The insurer will contact the employee and the employees respective Manager, Vanguard Health along with the nominated treating doctor within three (3) working days. The employee is required to supply the name of a nominated treating doctor who will be authorised to provide relevant information to the insurer, Vanguard Health, and other service providers to facilitate the injury management process. 

For non-significant injuries, the relevant Vanguard Health manager will notify the insurer within seven (7) days. 

Early commencement of injury management 

Should an employee require injury management, a Vanguard Health Manager will ensure the process is commenced as soon as possible after an injury, in a manner consistent with all relevant facts, including medical advice.  

Early commencement of injury management will be facilitated by: 

  • Prompt reporting of injury/illness to the insurer; 
  • accurate medical diagnosis and early commencement of treatment; 
  • liaison by the relevant Vanguard Health manager with the insurer's injury management adviser; and 
  • supporting the implementation of an injury management plan, prepared by the insurer (for an employee with a significant injury). 

If an employee suffers a significant injury, the services of an accredited rehabilitation provider may be sought, with the consent of the injured employee and the nominated treating doctor. The rehabilitation provider's role is to establish a return to work plan suitable for ensuring the injured employee's early return to work.  

The Vanguard Health Manager will identify accredited rehabilitation providers in consultation with the relevant parties. Notwithstanding such a selection, an injured employee is entitled to nominate any accredited rehabilitation provider to assist in their return to work plan.

Identification of return to work options 

The injured employee's return to work should take place as soon as possible, in accordance with the medical advice. This may include a staged process and/or may require modification of the employee's working environment, duties and/or hours of duty.  

The injured employee and that employee's supervisor should have a clear understanding of all work restrictions and observe any limitations imposed by the nominated treating doctor and rehabilitation provider (if involved). The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that other employees are aware of any restrictions. 

Following the report of injury, and worker's compensation claim being lodged (pending liability being accepted), and if the employee is still at work, a return to work plan shall be developed by the relevant Vanguard Health Manager in consultation with the parties. It will include:

Identification of return to work options by the nominated treating doctor, the relevant Vanguard Health Manager, the employee, the insurer's Injury Management Adviser and rehabilitation provider (if involved) will provide:

  • provision of suitable duties;  
  • documentation of the return to work plan; and  
  • ongoing review and monitoring by the Injury Management Coordinator.

Provision of suitable duties 

Provision of suitable duties is an essential part of this policy. Careful individual assessment of suitable duties is required before the employee returns to work and each of the parties will be involved in this assessment. 

Choice of return to work duties will be made on the basis of: 

  • the nature and severity of the illness/injury;  
  • restrictions imposed by the nominated treating doctor;  
  • the predicted time frame for the return to work plan;  
  • duties available in the employee's division, section, department, or available elsewhere within the Company; and
  • the employee's skills, career aspirations, competence and training, and current and potential skill level.

Wherever possible, the employee's substantive job will be modified and a graded return to pre-injury duties planned. If this is not possible, other suitable duties will be provided where practicable. Some retraining may be required to equip the employee to undertake any alternative duties.

When suitable duties have been identified and agreed upon by the parties, details will be specified in writing on the return to work plan and will, where applicable, include: 

  • the nature of the duties;  
  • any restriction to be observed;  
  • any changes in work methods;  
  • hours and days of duty;  
  • anticipated progression toward full duties;  
  • date of commencement and date(s) for review; and  
  • any changes in conditions of employment.

Review of return to work plan 

The employee's progress on the return to work plan shall be formally reviewed monthly. In addition, the injured employee's supervisor shall undertake reviews on day-to-day basis, liaising with the relevant Vanguard Health Manager, where necessary. Changes to suitable duties will only be initiated (in writing) after consultation between the parties.   

If satisfactory progress is being maintained, the employee may continue in the substantive position while the return to work plan is in place. In some circumstances, particularly if a return to pre-injury duties is considered unlikely or inadvisable, the employee may be transferred temporarily to a position during the return to work process. Employees who transfer to a temporary position retain their salary and conditions of employment while undergoing a return to work plan. Income and benefits for an employee participating in a return to work plan are subject to legislation of the state in which the work has occurred. The Vanguard Health Manager will advise injured employees of their rights and obligations. 

Completion of return to work plan

The injury management plan will cease either when the injury is no longer impacting upon the employee's employment or a long-term accommodation has been made. The circumstances may include when the injured employee: 

  • returns to full employment in the substantive position, but with modified duties acceptable to the workplace;
  • is appointed to another position within the Company; 
  • is deemed by the Company to be unlikely to gain further benefit, or to gain only minimal benefit, from continued participation in the return to work plan; 
  • withdraws from the return to work plan; or 
  • ceases to be employed by the Company. 

The Company shall try to assist employees with long-term disabilities to find suitable alternative positions. If, after a reasonable time, the injured employee is unable to perform productive work of a kind normally available within the Company, the Company may consider medical retirement or termination of employment. 


Information relating to an employee on a return to work plan will be confidential and restricted to those involved in providing rehabilitation, treatment and occupational health services. The Company shall adhere to the guidelines set by the relevant state and by the insurer.

Open consultation

The Company will consult with the employee and/or a representative of the employee's choice (if applicable) on any matters arising from the employee's return to work plan. The representative may not be a barrister or solicitor in private practice.  

Any disagreement about the return to work procedures for an injured employee will be discussed at meetings between the parties involved.

Related Reference

Risk Management Policy



To describe the risk management framework and processes to proactively manage and reduce risks associated with operational management and delivery of health services and programs.


The policy applies to:

  • business operations  
  • health services including recruitment  
  • health program including general program and surgical programs
  • any other programs delivered by the company.

This policy applies to all staff:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary
  • contract or commission workers
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements


  • Vanguard Health is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors and anyone else who may be affected by the Company’s operations.  
  • We have a commitment to exceed our clients’ expectations in the delivery of our health services and programs in the public, private and non-government health sector.  
  • To achieve these commitments, we acknowledge that we need to proactively manage risks, including threats and opportunities, associated with our strategic and business operations and tactical delivery of services and programs in a standard way.  
  • Vanguard Health acknowledges the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 definition of a risk management process as a “systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the activities of communicating and consulting, establishing the context, identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and reviewing risk”.


  • Risk management is integrated into the way we do business and all staff are accountable for managing and reporting risks, at all levels of the organisation, in a standard way.  
  • Executive and Management team will approve and champion our standard risk management approach and set the risk tolerance for all business operations and service delivery.  
  • All staff will commit to a culture where controlling risk is accepted as normal business practice, to using risk management processes and tools, and to create a safe environment for the identification, disclosure, and management of risks.  
  • All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers.  
  • Managers to model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.


  • Our executive will create and maintain a risk aware culture and ensure that our risk management systems and processes are effective. Staff will be supported to effectively manage risk including open disclosure and escalation of risk management if exceed agreed tolerances.  
  • Our executive and management team will discuss strategic and operational business risks as standard agenda items in Management Reviews. This includes a SWOT of business risks, review of internal audits and maintenance as part of our ISO9001:2015 certification.  
  • Our managers will comply with standard risk management systems and processes including the use of risk tools.  They will support staff to effectively manage risk including open disclosure and escalation of risk management if exceed agreed tolerances for tactical project delivery.  
  • Our staff will be aware of the risks and opportunities associated with their service or program area and actively contributing to the risk management process.

Vanguard Health has a standard risk management process to assist us to identify, control and manage risks and issues that may impact on the success of our programs during the project lifecycle. This includes establishment of:

  • a clear project governance structure
  • defined roles and responsibilities
  • agreed tolerances and,  
  • use of standardised tools and processes to record, measure, avoid, treat, escalate and mitigate potential, emerging or realised risks and issues.  

A risk register has been developed which defines risk tolerances for each program/project and maintained for the program/project lifecycle using the framework below.  Vanguard Health Managers are responsible for the regular updating and review of the risk register to mitigate and/or manage risks as they arise.

  • What could happen?  

At the start of a project, we consider the context, identify and group key risks that will impact on the expected outcomes of the project.

  • How could it happen?  

Next, we identify the source of each risk i.e., how the risk can occur or what would prevent us from achieving our targets or expected outcomes.

  • The impact on the project if the risk happens?

Then, we identify the consequence of each risk i.e., what does it mean to us and the likelihood of it occurring to assess the level of risk to project if it does happen.  

  • How to avoid, treat or mitigate it?

Ideally, we aim to avoid a risk occurring through implementation of avoidance strategies to prevent the risk from occurring at all.   If we can’t avoid risks, we aim to treat which involves a plan of action to eliminate or minimise the negative risks or enhance positive opportunities.  If we can’t treat risks, then we aim to mitigate them which may involve a plan to action to minimise the scale of negative impacts of the risk on the project and/or company.

  • How well is the risk controlled?

All risk controls are not equal. Our risk framework classifies how effective our controls are in the following way:  Adequate control means that the risk is well controlled, and no further treatment/action is needed.  Marginal control means that treatment/action is not necessary but should monitored closely.  Inadequate control means that treatment/action is necessary.

  • What are the risk ratings?

We rate each identified risk according to the likelihood of the risks occurring with controls in place. Ratings are: Almost certain, Likely, Possible, Unlikely or Rare.  We rate the consequence to the project outcomes of the identified risk occurring with controls in place. Ratings are Insignificant, Minor, Moderate, Major, Catastrophic.  A risk rating of Low, Medium, High or Extreme is determined using the risk matrix below.

A table of text with different colorsDescription automatically generated
  • Risk Controls and Agreed Tolerances

All open risks in the risk register are reviewed and updated in regular project operational meetings.  

Emerging high and extreme risks are to be escalated by the project manager to the CEO Vanguard Health immediately.  

Project tolerance for time/cost quality are set between the project manager and CEO at the commencement of a project. Any variation to agreed tolerances are to be escalated by the project manager to the CEO Vanguard Health immediately.  

  • Roles and responsibilities  

A project governance group is established by the project director at the commencement of each project with oversight of project risk management plan.  

Regular project operational meetings are scheduled with the project delivery team to identify, assess, treat and manage/escalate risks and issues.  

The project manager is responsible for developing and maintaining the project risk management plan including identifying, tracking, treating and escalating risks and issues.  

A project assurance role may also be assigned depending on the scope and scale of the project.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related References:

Standards Australia, AS ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Guidelines (2018)

Related Policies:

Quality Management Policy  

Clinical Governance Policy  

Workplace Health and Safety Management (WHS) General Policy

Related Documents:

Vanguard Health Continuous Improvement Register

Vanguard Health Risk Register

Related Reference


Modern Slavery Statement


Modern Slavery Statement & Procedure


Vanguard Health is committed to operating responsibly and establishing and adhering to the highest ethical standards. We acknowledge our responsibility to respect human rights and are committed to takingsteps to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking do not occur within our business or supply chains.

Our Business

Vanguard Health provides a range of healthcare services, including medical and nursing recruitment as well as the delivery of medical programmes, particularly in rural and regional Australia.

Our Commitment

Vanguard Health has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. We are dedicated to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business or supply chains.

Supply Chains

Our supply chains include the sourcing of technology equipment, promotional goods and medical equipment necessary for the provision of healthcare and promotion of our business. We recognise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chains and are committed to working with our suppliers to mitigate these risks.

Due Diligence Processes

Vanguard Health undertakes due diligence when considering new suppliers and regularly reviews our existing suppliers. Our due diligence and reviews include:

  • Assessing potential risk areas in our supply chains.
  • Evaluating the modern slavery and human trafficking policies of suppliers.
  • Conducting supplier audits and requiring suppliers to complete questionnaires.
  • Engaging with suppliers to address any potential risks identified.

1. Supplier Selection

  • Due Diligence: We conduct comprehensive due diligence on all potential suppliers. This includes evaluating their compliance with labour laws, human rights standards, and ethical practices.
  • Risk Assessment: Suppliers are assessed for modern slavery risks based on their geographic location, industry, and previous compliance records. High-risk suppliers undergo additional scrutiny.

2. Supplier Engagement

  • Code of Conduct: All suppliers are required to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which explicitly prohibits the use of forced, bonded, or involuntary labour.
  • Training and Awareness: We provide training to our suppliers on identifying and preventing modern slavery. This includes sharing best practices and resources to help them meet our standards.

3. Contractual Obligations

  • Compliance Clauses: Our contracts include specific clauses that require suppliers to comply with all applicable laws regarding modern slavery and human trafficking. Non-compliance can result in termination of the contract.
  • Audit Rights: We reserve the right to audit our suppliers to ensure compliance with our standards. These audits can be scheduled or unannounced and cover labor practices, working conditions, and documentation.

4. Monitoring and Reporting

  • Regular Reviews: We conduct regular reviews of our suppliers to monitor compliance with our anti-slavery policies. This includes evaluating their practices, documentation, and any reports of non-compliance.
  • Grievance Mechanism: We have established a grievance mechanism that allows workers in our supply chain to report any concerns or instances of modern slavery confidentially and without fear of retaliation.

5. Continuous Improvement

  • Feedback Loop: We maintain an open feedback loop with our suppliers to continuously improve our procurement process. This includes addressing any identified risks and implementing corrective actions.
  • Partnerships: We collaborate with industry groups, NGOs, and other stakeholders to stay informed about best practices and emerging risks related to modern slavery.

By implementing these measures, Vanguard Health aims to ensure that our procurement process supports the eradication of modern slavery and promotes ethical business practices throughout our supply chain.

Our Staff

We source medical and nursing staff for the provision of healthcare services throughout Australia. We recognise the risk of modern slavery to workers throughout the world and are committed to ensuring we mitigate these risks for all our employees and contractors.

Training and Awareness

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to our staff. We also encourage our business partners to provide training to their staff, suppliers, and providers.

Reporting Concerns

Vanguard Health encourages all employees, customers, and suppliers to report any concerns related to our direct activities or our supply chains. This includes any circumstances that may give rise to an enhanced risk of modern slavery or human trafficking.  

Review and Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement is reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect our ongoing commitment to ethical business practices.


This statement has been approved by the Management Team of Vanguard Health and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Modern Slavery Bill 2018 constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement and procedure.

Related Reference

Workplace Health & Safety

Infection Control Policy



The purpose of our Infection Control Policy is to ensure the safety of our patients and staff in the delivery of our health service programs and to comply with best practice national guidelines for infection prevention and control.  


This policy applies to all staff, in particular clinical staff working in a health service environment:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary
  • contract, sub-contractor or commission workers
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to staff in all their work-related interactions with each other, and with patients, carers, contractors or clients.  It also applies to patients, carers and visitors to our health service locations.  


Vanguard Health is committed to effective infection prevention and control to ensure high quality healthcare for patients and a safe working environment in our health care programs.  

We acknowledge the recommendations and requirements of the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019).


All staff working in our health care programs will adhere to our infection prevention and control policy and procedures, including the use of equipment for personal protection and cleaning of the clinical environment.

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers. Managers will role model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.


We require that all staff, whether or not they have patient contact:

  • not come to work if they are sick, particularly if they have a fever or a respiratory illness, such as a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion.
  • practise good hand hygiene, including taking the five moments for hand hygiene approach when dealing with patients.  
  • in addition to standard precautions, follow contact, droplet and airborne precautions based on the risk profile and the suspected or known, clinical presentation of the patient.
  • use recommended, fit for purpose, personal protective equipment to protect from infection when delivering health care and when cleaning and disinfecting work areas.  
  • educate and ensure that patients, carers and/or visitors use recommended, fit for purpose, personal protective equipment as required.  
  • follow the minimum requirements for cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched and minimally touched surfaces in communal, non-clinical work areas.
  • follow the minimum requirements for cleaning and disinfection of clinical work areas between each patient, including terminal cleaning as required.  
  • follow the minimum requirements for use and disposal of clinical waste including sharps.  
  • keep up to date with current and emerging best practice guidelines, requirements and mandatory profession specific competencies for effective infection prevention and control.
  • Where applicable: corporate office staff should have an annual flu vaccination supported by Vanguard Health.   Where applicable staff working in hospital and health settings should be vaccinated in accordance with the local State/Territory guidelines for health professionals.

Pandemic response and preparedness

Staff are to follow the guidelines provided by the Commonwealth Government in relation to pandemic isolation and quarantine.  Information on:  

  • How do I isolate?
  • How long do I need to isolate after testing positive to a pandemic?
  • How long do I need to isolate if I’m a close contact?
  • How do I look after my mental wellbeing in isolation?
  • Can I return to work in a high-risk setting?

All staff employed in should familiarise themselves with the latest updates for Essential Workers by the relevant state government.

All staff employed should familiarise themselves with the Commonwealth Government Guidelines regarding pandemics.

All staff need to be aware of specific state and territory information for close contact and isolation requirements for their place of work.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related References:

Related Policies/Procedures:

  • Work Health and Safety Policy  
  • Injury Prevention Policy  
  • Pandemic Policy
  • Hand Hygiene Procedure  
  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment Procedure  

Related Reference

Injury Prevention Policy



The purpose of our injury prevention policy is to improve business success by reducing the number of avoidable and/or preventable injuries in the workplace.  

In addition to general workplace hazards, Vanguard Health recognises that the health care environment has specific areas of risk for workplace injury including, but not limited to manual handling and occupational violence. Infection Control will be addressed in a separate policy.  


This policy applies to all  Vanguard Health staff, including Management:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary;
  • contract or commission workers;
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to staff in all their work-related interactions with consumers, contacts or clients. It applies to staff while in the workplace or off site, at work-related functions, while on trips and attending conferences.


Vanguard Health is committed to preventing avoidable workplace injuries and illness.  


We expect all staff:

  • to follow the prescribed procedures with respect to personal injury prevention;
  • to take all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of themselves, co-workers, consumers, and any other key person affected by their acts or omissions; and
  • comply with all our procedures concerning the injury prevention of all employees.

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers. We expect our managers to role model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.  

General Requirements:

Duties of Executive/Management

Executive and Management are required to:

  • keep up-to-date on injury prevention matters;
  • monitor workplace conditions to identify potential risks and issues;
  • consult employees and empower them to be involved in injury prevention;  
  • ensure that staff are supervised and appropriately trained with regard to injury prevention;
  • ensure access to the right resources and processes to prevent or reduce the risk of injury of staff and visitors/others;
  • implement an “Incident, hazard and near miss” management system.  
Duties of staff

Staff are required to:

  • take reasonable care for their own health and safety;
  • take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others;
  • comply with any reasonable instruction or directions given by Vanguard Health and/or managers to ensure compliance with WHS obligations;
  • comply with any company policy, procedure or workflow;
  • disclose any pre-existing health conditions (as per the requirements of their employment contract);
  • promptly identify, report and record any incidents, hazards or near misses to the relevant manager, in accordance with the procedures;
  • use or wear the equipment, personal protective devices, or clothing that are required to be used or worn;
  • familiarise themselves with this Injury Prevention Policy.
Right to Refuse

Vanguard Health acknowledges and supports a staff members’ right to refuse using unsafe practices. If a member has reasonable cause to believe that the use or operation of a machine, or device constitutes a danger to themselves, or another person, or that a condition exists in any place that constitutes a danger to the employee, they may refuse to perform the task. This right is limited when the refusal would directly endanger the life, health or safety of another person.

Duties of Visitors and Others

Visitors and Other are required to:  

  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety;
  • take reasonable care that their actions or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others; and
  • comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with any instructions that may be given by the Vanguard Health regarding WHS obligations.

Specific Requirements:

Manual Handling – No Lift Policy

Vanguard Health has adopted a No Lift Policy for all administration and clinical staff who deliver services for the Company.  

For Clinical Staff (including contractors)

All manual handling of consumers that involves manually lifting the whole body, or a large part of a consumer’s weight must be avoided, in all but life threatening situations.

Occupational Violence

Vanguard Health has zero tolerance for aggression and violence directed to staff in the workplace.  

Occupational violence refers to an incident in which a staff member is abused, threatened or assaulted. This includes incidents of clinical aggression and family/visitor aggression and violence.  

It may include:

  • verbal, physical or psychological abuse
  • intimidating or threatening behaviours
  • aggravated assault
  • threats with a weapon or object
  • sexual harassment and/or sexual assault
Duties of Executive/Management

Managers, supervisors and other akin position holders are required to:

  • ensure compliance with policies and procedures of occupational violence;
  • ensure that appropriate actions are taken where risk of occupational violence is identified;
  • ensure that all front line staff receive appropriate training and instruction (if required) ;
  • identify potential violence and aggression risks in the work area;
  • encourage staff to report all incidents of occupational violence and aggression;
  • investigate all incidents of occupational violence and aggression including risk controls;
  • promote a culture that does not accept violence and aggression. 
Duties of Staff

Staff are required to:

  • comply with this procedure and other WHS procedures; 
  • promote a culture that does not accept violence and aggression; 
  • participate in training in the management of violence and aggression in the workplace (if provided); and
  • report all incidents and potential incidents of violence and aggression.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.  

Related References

Related VH Policies

  • Workplace Health and Safety Policy
  • Infection Control Policy  
  • Pandemic Policy

Related VH Procedures:

  • Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure  
  • Manual Handling Procedure  
  • Occupational Violence Procedure  

Related Reference

Pandemic Policy



To implement health and safety processes within the workplace in relation to the outbreak of communicable viruses and diseases which reach pandemic status.

This is particularly the case when a communicable disease develops into a pandemic, and creates increased risks to our team members, and the wider community.  


This policy applies to all staff:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary;
  • contract or commission workers;
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to staff in all their work-related interactions with each other, and with customers, contacts or clients. It applies to staff while in the workplace or off-site, at work-related functions, while on trips and attending conferences.


Vanguard Health is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of the working environment in accordance with its duty of care and obligations under applicable State-based occupational health and safety legislation.

Vanguard Health also commits to slowing the spread of pandemics, in particular so that the most vulnerable members of the community are protected.

Vanguard Health's decisions involving persons who have communicable diseases will be based on current and well-informed medical information about the disease, the risks of transmission, the symptoms and special circumstances of each individual who has a communicable disease, and a careful weighing of the identified risks and the available alternative for responding to an employee with a communicable disease.


The pandemic policy includes a comprehensive set of measures aimed at reducing the spread of communicable viruses and diseases and protecting staff and public health. This includes guidelines on social distancing, mask-wearing, hand hygiene, and other preventive measures.

The requirements for this pandemic policy may vary depending on the specific context, severity of an outbreak, and the available scientific knowledge at the time. The policy should be regularly reviewed, updated, and adapted based on evolving situations and the latest scientific evidence.

COVID-19 specific expectations

The COVID-19 pandemic requires a uniquely focused approach to work health and safety (WHS) as it applies to businesses, workers and others in the workplace.  

To keep our workplaces healthy and safe, we must work together to look at the way we work, identify how we must do things differently, understand the risks and manage and control measures to address those risks. This is especially the case in our health service locations.  

We expect that as COVID-19 restrictions are gradually relaxed, we will continue to adapt and promote safe work practices, consistent with advice from health authorities, to ensure our workplaces comply with the measures required to keep everyone safe and well.  

We will prepare for the possibility that there will be cases of COVID-19 in the workplace and will be ready to respond immediately, appropriately, effectively and efficiently, and consistent with advice from health authorities.  

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers. We expect our managers to model and promote this policy; treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly; monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters.  


Duties of Executive/Management

Executive and Management are required to:

  • Protect staff from the risk of exposure to communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19) by implementing working from home arrangements, requiring workers to practice physical distancing, requiring workers to practice good hygiene, requiring workers to stay home when sick, and cleaning the workplace regularly and thoroughly. 
  • Protect visitors and others from the risk of exposure to communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19) by requiring them to practice physical distancing, including through contactless deliveries and payments, requiring them to practice good hygiene, and requiring others to stay away from the workplace, unless essential, e.g., such as family, friends and visitors.  
  • Maintain the workplace to ensure the work environment does not put staff and others at risk of contracting communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19) by cleaning the workplace regularly and thoroughly, restructuring the layout of the workplace to allow for physical distancing, and limiting the number of people in the workplace at any given time. 
  • Provide adequate facilities, suitable to the work environment, to protect staff and others from contracting communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19) including the adequate supply of appropriate personal protective equipment and fit for purpose cleaning supplies, washroom facilities with adequate supply of soap, water and paper towel, hand sanitiser, and staff rooms that are regularly cleaned and allow for physical distancing. 
  • Provide staff with any information or training that is necessary to protect them from the risk of exposure to communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19) arising from their work including providing guidance on how to properly wash hands, training workers in how to fit and use any necessary personal protective equipment (PPE),  training staff to exercise adequate cleaning practices throughout the day, providing workers with instructions on how to set up a safe home workplace, and providing workers with instructions on staying home from work if sick.
  • Consult with staff on health and safety matters relating to COVID-19.  
Duties of Staff

Staff are required to:

  • take reasonable care for their own health and safety.
  • take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other people.
  • Comply with all workplace procedures and practices to protect themselves and others from the risk of exposure to communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19)
  • undertake testing as available to determine any positive cases of communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19)
  • promptly identify, report and record any confirmed or potential risks of exposure to communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19) to the relevant manager, in accordance with the procedures.
  • use or wear the equipment, personal protective devices, or clothing that are required to be used or worn.
  • familiarise themselves with this Policy.
Duties of Visitors and Others

If a person is not staff , but attends the Company’s premises (for example, visitors), they must:

  • take reasonable care for their own health and safety.
  • take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other people.
  • comply, so far as they are reasonably able, with any instructions that may be given by the Vanguard Health to protect themselves and others from the risk of exposure to communicable viruses and diseases (including COVID-19).  
  • use or wear the equipment, personal protective devices, or clothing that are required to be used or worn.

Special Requirements:

Leave – Pandemic

Subject to the National Employment Standards and any applicable Modern Award or Enterprise Agreement, we will discuss leave options with a staff member who is unwell, unable to get to work for any reason (including in relation to travel restrictions), directed by us to obtain a medical certificate or not come into the workplace; and/or is required to self-isolate or be in quarantine.  

We will discuss options with staff in relation to their ability to work from home and/or whether they would like to take annual leave, personal leave and/or unpaid leave for the period they are not able to carry out their regular duties.

We will genuinely consider any feedback from the staff member and then make a determination as to following steps. The staff member agrees to follow any determination made by us.  

We note that subject to any applicable Modern Award or Enterprise Agreement, if an employee is directed to obtain a medical certificate by Vanguard Health, but is otherwise feeling well, the staff member will be paid for their normal working hours up until the test results are obtained.  

Work from home

We will consider all staff requests to work from home, or from another location (away from the workplace) (off-site). We will then confirm in writing whether the request is accepted or not.

At any time, we may direct one or more staff members to work from home, or off-site.  

Staff agree to follow any such direction, and when requested:

  • provide daily/periodic updates to a specified person as to their current health and wellbeing
  • ensure their workspace is conducive to working
  • remain contactable and available to undertake work as reasonably directed during the applicable period
  • and perform tasks not ordinarily performed by the employee in the ordinary course of their duties, but which are reasonable, fall within their general skills and experience and can be undertaken remotely.  


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment or cessation of engagement.

Related References:

Related Policies:

  • Workplace Health and Safety Policy  
  • Infection Control Policy  
  • Injury Prevention Policy  

Related Reference

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) General Policy



To improve business success by taking a proactive approach to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors and anyone else who may be affected by the Company’s operations


This policy applies to all Vanguard  Health staff including Management:

  • full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary; contract or commission workers;
  • volunteers, vocational and work experience placements.

It applies to staff in all their  work-related interactions with each other, and with customers, contacts or  clients. It applies to staff while in the workplace or off site, at  work-related functions, while on trips and attending conferences.

Nothing in this policy requires the Company  to manage its work health and safety systems in a particular way. The Company  reserves the right to adopt a different process to that set out in this  policy.



Vanguard Health  is committed to  ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all employees,  contractors and visitors and anyone else who may be affected by the Company’s  operations.

It aims to be proactive in preventing workplace incidents and  ensuring all work activities are done safely.

Vanguard  Health acknowledges the requirements of the Work Health Safety Act 2011 and  Safe Work Australia, the national statutory body established in 2008 to develop  national policy relating to WHS and workers’ compensation.


Vanguard Health's Commitments: 

Vanguard Health is committed to:

•     provide and maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, work environments (including equipment and systems of work) that are safe and without risk to health.

•     provide adequate facilities for the welfare of employees and other persons at work.

•     provide information, instruction, training and supervision.

•     Monitoring and auditing the health of employees and workplace conditions to prevent illness and injury arising from the conduct of the Company’s business.

•     consult with employees on matters of health and safety, directly with employees.

•     Monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace.

Vanguard Health's Employee Requirements:

Employees working with Vanguard Health also have WHS obligations to themselves and other at work.

Employees must:

  • take reasonable care of their own health and safety
  • take reasonable care that their actions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other people.
  • comply with any reasonable instruction or directions given by the department to ensure compliance with WHS obligations.
  • comply with any reasonable instruction or directions given by the department to ensure compliance with WHS obligations.
  • co-operate with any policy, procedure or guideline of the Company.
  • promptly identify, report and record any WHS risks or incidents to the relevant manager or HR representative, in accordance with the procedures.
  • familiarise themselves with this WHS Policy.

Vanguard Health’s General Requirements for Safe Work:

All staff have the responsibility to comply with this policy and report breaches to their managers. We expect our managers to;

Vanguard Health Executive and managers will provide the following to ensure a safe work environment for our employees:

·       model and promote this policy

·       treat all breaches seriously and attend to them promptly

·       monitor the work environment and seek expert help for complex or serious matters

·       point out any potential risks involved in the task

·       work with you to eliminate that risk to avoid injury or damage

·       Provide a safe work environment

·       Provide safe ways of working

·       Ensure safe use, handling and storage of equipment and substances

·       Provide and maintain adequate facilities

·       Provide any information, training, instruction or supervision needed for safety and clearly explain how to perform task

·       monitor workplace conditions –identify issues that need to be actioned, including those raised by employees.

·       consult employees on WHS matters to give them the opportunity and training to be involved in matters affecting theCompany and their work.

·       understand operations, as well as the control mechanisms, processes and systems used to comply with the Company’s WHS duties.

·       Ensure that the right resources and processes are available to eliminate or minimise risks to health and safety of employees and non-employees.

·       implement adequate mechanisms for receiving, considering and acting on information regarding incidents, hazards and control mechanisms.


Any breach of this Policy by a staff member may result in counselling and/or disciplinary action, including termination of employment  or cessation of engagement.

Related References

Related Policies

  • Injury Prevention Policy
  • Infection Control Policy  
  • Pandemic Policy

Related Procedures:

  • WHS Management Plan
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedure
  • Incident and Hazard Reporting Procedure
  • Injury Management Procedure

Related Reference