Clermont MPHS, Clermont
Registered Nurse
Queensland - Mackay
Start Date:
End Date:
Travel assistance
Accommodation provided
Mandatory Experience:
Rural nursing, aged care and emergency experience

Desirable Experience:
Knowledge of ieMR and proficiency in using this system
Previous experience working in Australia, QLD Health and/or Mackay HHS

Mandatory Competencies:
BLS competency
ALS competency
Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK)
Manual and patient handling
Infection control
Aggressive behaviour management
Mandatory reporting by Registered Nurses, and/or Midwifes for reasonable suspicions of child abuse and neglect
Medications management including QPHS (Drugs and Poisons) Regulations November 2012

Additionally, the candidate must agree to undertake any of the following as required by our HHS:

Integrated electronic medical record training
Online induction training
Any other training as requested
Roles & Responsibilities