Case Study

Review for regional hospital general surgery

Reviewing the performance of a general surgery department in a major regional hospital.

September 8, 2023
May 19, 2023

The Vanguard Health Improvement team assessed the workforce model and culture—and the impacts on service performance of a general surgery department in a major regional hospital.

The review focused on leadership, professionalism and working relationships, workforce planning and sustainability, service provision, clinical training and clinical governance.

The Vanguard Health Improvement team conducted stakeholder interviews and site visits—and our consulting panel included a pre-eminent general surgeon who is well regarded at a national level.

The project involved high-level analysis of quantitative and qualitative service performance and preparation of a report which presented key findings, issues, opportunities and recommendations for each focus area. A report including 23 specific recommendations was well received by the clinicians and executive team who referred to the review as a “call to action” to improve services.

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